Djerdap National Park is not only an important area for breeding species, but also for migratory and wintering birds, and the town of Golubac is a gateway to the park – literally: once you pass the gate of the medieval fortress, you are inside the national park.

The Danube reaches five kilometres in width here, and that “sea” is a significant wintering area for many waterbirds, especially divers and sea ducks. It is possible to scan water from several unofficial parking lots, but also from the promenade inside the town. Spotting scope is recommended.

In winter you can expect Greater Scaup, Smew, Goosander and Red-breasted Merganser, Common Goldeneye, Black-throated Diver, Pygmy Cormorant, sometimes Velvet Scoter and even the Common Eider. While you are near the Golubac fortress, check the nearby rock faces and quarries for Wallcreeper. Finally, to find a few more duck species, plus the Hen Harrier and the Western Marsh Harrier, visit the more narrow section of the river upstream from the village of Vinci.

When to go: winter (but avoid windy days – the birds will be looking for cover away from the bank).

eBird list of the recorded species:

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