Grazing-pasture Hatarica is the westernmost part of the Deliblato sands (Deliblatska pescara) and consists of grassland on rolling sand dunes, interspersed with bushes of hawthorn and planted junipers.

Characteristic birds of these dry and sunny areas are European Honey-buzzard, Long-legged Buzzard, Eurasian Hoopoe, European Turtle-Dove and Bee-eater; Lesser Grey and Red-backed Shrikes (in winter replaced by the Great Grey Shrike), Woodlark, Skylark and Crested Lark, Sand Martin, Barred Warbler, Northern Wheatear, Tawny and Tree Pipits. During May migration, European Roller and few dozen strong flocks of Red-footed Falcons were observed on the wires.

Getting there: The area is accessible from several points off the Kovin – Dubovac road. Driving from Kovin, Hatarica starts about 2 km after the village of Gaj and spreads at the right (southern) side of the road. A large puddle holds water through the most of the year and in migration attracts waders – Black-winged Stilt, Northern Lapwing, Green and Wood Sandpipers, Spotted and Common Redshanks, Common Greenshank, Ruff, etc.

If the weather is dry, it is possible to explore most of Hatarica by car, but if there were rains in the previous days, mud and puddles are possible in lower parts of it. Stick to the existing dirt tracks and do not damage the sensitive vegetation by creating new sets of tracks!

When to go: breeding and migration seasons (mostly April/May and September).

eBird list of the recorded species:

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